Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First Week

So hello,

Nearly the first week completed! I can't believe how fast it has gone!!! The days are extremely long and busy, but the week is fast. My district is made of 4 sisters and 4 elders. The elders and a sister are going to the Rapid Springs, South Dakota mission. One sister is going to Tacoma, Washington. My companion is going to the Oklahoma City mission. They are all really fun. The sisters and I have bonded over our hate of Nylons. My hate has only but grown!!! I feel like I only wear a pair a day till have a run.

The first day was a bit of a shell shock and was only finished by all of us sisters being locked out of our room. But that isn't the last of my typical clutsy moments. Me and Sister Porter, my Companion from Sugar City, Idaho, were going to Zone meeting. We thought we were running behind, so we went into the first room we saw open. It only took a second to realize this was an Asian zone having a testimony in Japanese. Haha! Yeah we looked like fish out of water. After a minute or so we noticed our zone walking in the hall and they all enjoyed our humiliation.

So I have been really lucky to see everyone I know at the MTC. I've run into my mission prep buddy Sister Mccombs and I shouted with excitement scaring all the elders walking beside her. I also have seen Elder Garner, Holli's cousin, at dinner. Its nice to see familiar faces, but everyone is super nice. It is the friendliest place on earth!

This week we have already began teaching and doing calls at the.. I don't remember whats its called. There are so many acronyms that I can't remember them all! Geeze, this timer is stressing my out. Teaching is truly all by the spirit and preparation. We taught one about prayer that went so nice and smooth. Then another that was, well, a beat down... We taught for 60 minutes and they forgot to come get us at the 40 minute mark, so we just kept going. Our teachers are really great, but it seems a bit unorganized. They are trying new curriculum on our district. So, we have mostly just learned about people asking questions finding their needs and loving them. It's interesting for sure.

Well there were some surprising callings made, I have been called as coordinating sister after only 3 days. I'm a bit over whelmed. I have new meetings to go to that don't allow me to go to choir. Bummer. But it's pretty neat; I get to welcome new sisters in the zone this Wednesday and I work closely with the zone leaders on behalf of the sisters. My companion is really happy for me, but i think she has to be! Haha! No, she is great and really sincere.

WOW time goes so fast. So the rundown of all my feelings: I'm overwhelmed but empowered. The Spirit is so strong and you feel the Spirit teaching everyday. I have such a desire to serve and am getting so excited to meet the people of Virginia. I'm so happy to be serving and have a tag to wear proudly. Although the MTC is definitely nothing I expected, it's different, but not bad. I love you all so much and miss you.

Family: I love you and will be getting letters soon. Please send nylons I'm in need yuck!!! Haha!
Lonny: thanks for the dear elder letter it was a great welcome keep writing letter are great.
Brianna: Congrats on the graduation!!!! I'm so proud of you!!! I wrote you a letter you should get it this week.
Mikalyn: Thanks again for doing the blog for me you da best:) I hope your looking tan from the cruise and hope your enjoying your family.

Love Sister Garbrick

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