So it official, I am a sister missionary. I had my first awkward moment with touch. It was after a lesson and one of the members who was joining us was walking out and I forgot his name so I touched his arm to talk to him. He looked at me with a crazy look and I looked back in shock!!! It felt so wrong. Haha. I will never do it again. But if that wasn't enough, the investigator tried giving me a hug goodbye, I avoided it and stuck out my hand for a hand shake. Haha. I never thought it would happen!
A few other typical missionary experiences started happening this week: first door slam. It's okay, I took it like a champ. You just laugh it off and move on. It was also my first week without any mail. So I know before I left I said that I really didn't care if anyone wrote me and its no big deal. I was totally wrong. Haha Letters are like the found 5 dollar bill in your pocket of the mission. When you look in the mail box and its something for you, you feel like you can take it and use it. So letters are welcomed, and it's no good when your trainer who is been out for over a year and is not suppose to get more than the greenie who in the first transfer is overwhelmed by letters. So help a sister out, haha! Total love though. I love all who support me and I know you all care.
Anyways, the work has been good. The times are hard for people. A lot of them have lost jobs and have personal struggles. We help when we can, but it's not the same. We give light and relief through the gospel, even though sometimes we could just go out and help job search with them. Haha.
We had a great Sunday! We invited two people to come to church and none of them came, but 3 people who told us they weren't available or busy on Sunday came instead!! It was the best surprise. When each new investigator walked in, me and Sister Le Sueur's faith grew. It gave us the faith to continue inviting people. If you just offer the gospel, people always come around because it's truth. And really, who wouldn't want a little more truth in this world?
Sis G, I want to write you a letter but I don't have your email! Is it on your FB? I'm not sure if its actually you doing your blog or not! but Whoever is updating it I'd love to send a litttle love your way!